@ chantalgibsonartist Vancouver BC
@ chantalgibsonartist Vancouver BC
"The Other James Baldwin," an interactive literary-art workshop:
Using the Past to de/Colonize the Present.
· OCAD University Faculty Kick-off, Toronto, August 28, 2019
· First Annual Afrocentrism Conference 2019, SFU/UBC, Sept 21-22
· Franklin High School Seattle Grade 11 Students, Seattle, October 18
· WA NA WARI Arts Centre, Seattle, October 19
· Emily Carr University, Vancouver, October 30
· Open Space Victoria Residency March 24-28 2020 Postponed
“The Other James Baldwin”: Using the Past to Imagine the Future
"The Other James Baldwin" is a creative reading and writing activity that unpacks the ideological assumptions in a children’s poem entitled “Foreign Children” found in Reading with Expression, Third Reader, edited by James Baldwin in 1911.
One hundred years after its publication, workshop participants are given quotes by James Arthur Baldwin --author, intellectual, critic, and activist--as a lens to think about the text. Participants are asked to consider how we read, write and talk about Others, those people different from ourselves, and to consider the question “What would James Arthur Baldwin say to Teachers now?”
Using the work of one James Baldwin to critique the other, participants will rewrite the text, using pens, markers, scissors, correction fluid and other visual art materials.
The objectiveof this creative art intervention is to use the voice of an iconic Black intellectual to question this text from the past —the language, narrative and imagery—to envision the cultural and educational institutions of the future.
The revised pages will be photographed and added to a slide show, a growing digital text that will be shown in other venues where the workshop is presented.
See poster-size redacted texts of both James Baldwins at Wa Na Wari Seatle, October 17 to December 28, 2019
Altered image and redacted text. Artist sketch August 2019.
Workshop Example. Afrocentrism Conference September 22, 2019.
Workshop Example. Afrocentrism Conference September 22, 2019.
Workshop Example. Afrocentrism Conference September 22, 2019.
Artist Sample. August 2019
Redacted text process shot. August 2019.